I've got a problem concerning the editor buttons of JCE in my slave sites.
I installed JCE on my master and everything works fine: button style "default" every button I wanted to show is shown and works.
After that I replicated the master to have a new slave site (with JCE already installed). BUT in every slave site I built this way the buttons (more precisely the images of the buttons) are invisible.
The buttons are there and when I click on one by guessing it works.
I checked the paths with a browser development tool: In my master site the path to the icon.png is relative starting with components/.... In every slave site I get the absolute system path of the webspace where the site is hosted. Is this intended or could there be the mistake?
I need an advice what to do please. In this way it is rather impossible to use all this because nobody will be able to edit articles on a slave site.