Here you can find several video to help you in the configuration of Jms Multisite for joomla!. Older video for version 1.1 can be found here
Common to all hosting server
Jms Multisites overview presented at the Joomla Day Mallorca.
Jms Multisites technical presentation did at the Joomla Day Mallorca.
Concept of JMS.
Demo Overview (NEW YouTube).
Do you want to install JMS on an existing website ?
How to install Joomla with a specific table prefix.
How to install JMS 1.2 on Joomla 1.5 and 1.6 ?
How to install JMS 1.3 on Joomla 2.5 (NEW)?
How to install the JMS patches (NEW)?
Symbolic Links
What is a Symbolic Link ?
How to know if Symbolic Link is allowed by your hosting provider ?
With JMS, see video 6 / Without JMS, see video 7
How to know if Symbolic Link is allowed with JMS.
How to know if Symbolic Link is allowed by your hosting provider with "Hello World" procedure.
Manage site - Slave site creation
How to create a slave sites ?
How to create a slave sites into a sub-directory when Symbolic Link is allowed.
How to create a fresh slave site into a sub-domain with JMS 1.3 ? (NEW).
How to check the domain and sub-domain hosting provider configuration ?
JMS Template - definition of the rules
How to create a "JMS template" ? (NEW)
How to propose a service to create a website from the FRONT-END.
How to create a website from the FRONT-END with JMS 1.3. (NEW)
How to propose a "billable websites" creation from the FRONT-END (NEW YouTube)
Show a sample of VM2 layout for the "billable websites" creation from the FRONT-END (NEW)
How to share the users and extensions betweens websites ?
How to setup the Joomla! FTP Layer to increase the permission level.
cPanel samples
How to create a subdomain in cPanel.
How to create a DB and MySQL users with all privileges in cPanel.
How to create a slave site that share the same directory than master website.
How to create a slave site into a specific directory.
How to create a slave site with specific images, media and templates folders.
JMS Overview Joomla Day Mallorca
See this video in :
This video is the overview that we presented at the Joomla Day Mallorca:
- it present a brief history and why we have create JMS and for whom,
- we present what is Jms Multisites and the different possibilities,
- finally we give some example of who are using Jms Multisites.
Download the Interactive CDROM
Jms Multisites technical presentation Joomla Day Mallorca
See this video in :
Jms Multisites Technical Presentation.
This video is the technical presentation that we presented at the Joomla Day Mallorca:
- it present a brief history and why we have create JMS and for whom,
- we present more technicall how Jms Multisites is working with the different possibilities,
- finally we give some example of who are using Jms Multisites.
Download the PDF
Concept of JMS (Multisite joomla!).
This video present:
- the principle of an HTTP Server,
- how apache or IIS server are working,
- what must be changed in this server to share the same Joomla instance,
- how JMS analyse the URL and how it associate each URL to a specific Joomla configuration and database connection.
Jms Multisites demo overview.
This video present an overview for the creation of a demo environment and show:
- The installation of Joomla,
- The installation of Jms Multi Sites,
- The creation of a fresh slave site,
- The replication of the master website;
- The concept of the "Article Sharing for JMS";
- The concept of the "Multisites Menu Item";
- The concept of the "Multisites Contact Sharing";
- The concept of the "Mutlsites Search plugin".
Do you want to install JMS on an existing website ?
If yes, go step 3 to install JMS on an existing website. Else continue step 2 to install a fresh Joomla
How to install Joomla! with a specififc table prefix
See this video in :
How to install a fresh joomla with a specific table prefix ?
is a video where we show:
- The installation of Joomla and in particular where to specify the table prefix in the DB Configuration "advance settings"
In our sample, we have replace "jos_" table prefix by "master_"
- We also show how to create an article for the front-page
How to install JMS on Joomla 1.5 and 1.6 ?
is a video that show:
- the usage of Joomla extensions install/uninstall
- the registration of Joomla Multi Sites
- the installation of the patches
Installation on Joomla 1.6
- During the installation of JMS
- "JFolder::create: Could not create directory"
This message is the symptom of a permission problem. You may have to consider the usage of FTP Layer to increase your rights. See step 15
- "ERROR: Could not find a Joomla! XML setup file in the package."
This is the symptom that you have a size limit to upload the file into Joomla. JMS has a size of more 1MB and if the file can not be uploaded completly, this may result in a corrupt file to install. Consider in this case to "unzip" the file into a temporary directory on your server and use the alternate Joomla installation based on a directory. This scenario is presented in the How to install from a directory video. In case of Joomla 1.6 or 1.7, you have to use the subdirectory _j16 to get the manifest file for the joomla 1.6 or 1.7
- While installing the patches
- "Unable to write entry"
Error during installation of the file "administrator/includes/defines.php" "Copy failed" All those messages are the symptom of a problem of permission. To increase your rights, a simple method on Unix consists to use the FTP Layer. See step 15
How to install JMS 1.3 on Joomla 2.5 or J3.x ?
is a video that show:
- the recommendation concerning the architecture and directory structure
- the usage of Joomla extensions install/uninstall
- the registration of Joomla Multi Sites
How to install the JMS Patches
See this video in :
How to install the JMS patches ?
is a video that show:
- a review of the sub-menu present in JMS
- the usage of the Check Patches sub-menu
- where the Joomla FTP Layer setting is located in Joomla 2.5 (See also video 15)
What is a Symbolic Link ?
"symbolic link" is the unix equivalent ot the windows shortcut. This allow to create a link between folders and create a bridge (a link) between different folders. "Symbolic Links" may be used by JMS to redirect a slave sites directory to the master website directory. This may be usefull when you have difficulties to setup the domain or the sub-domain to share the same directory than the master website.
The equivalent of Shortcut in PHP language does not exists but the equivalent of the Unix Symbolic Link may be available.
How to know if Symbolic Link is allowed by your hosting provider ?
The first condition is to be hosted on a Unix machine. When you are hosted on a Windows platform, by definition the Symbolic Link in not allowed.
If you are on a Unix machine, all the hosting provider does not necessary accept to use the Symbolic Link for security reason. If you want to know if your hosting provider accept the Symbolic Link, you can either :
- checked that with Joomla Multi Sites. Go to next step (step 6).
- or if JMS is not installed, you can use our "" procedure that test this featur. See step 7
How to know if Symbolic Link is allowed with JMS
See this video in :
How to know if Symbolic Link is allowed with JMS.
is a video that show:
- The setting menu where you can find the "symbolic link" allowed value
- The impact on the "slave site detail" that give access to the "deployed directory" parameter
If JMS answer that Symboli Link is forbidden, also retry with the "Hello World" procedure in the next step to have confirmation. If the "Hello World" replies that Symbolic Link is present, then you have to check in you Global Configuration the path of the tmp and log directories. Perhaps those temporary and log directories does not exists or correspond to a path that does not have enough permission to let JMS test the Symbolic Links.
- Go in Joomla / Site / Global Configuration
- Check the tmp and log path. Enter full path to a directory where you have permissions. In general, this is the root directory of you Joomla followed by /tmp (see server panel) and /log (see system panel)
How to know if Symbolic Link is allowed by your hosting provider with Hello World procedure.
This video show:
- Unzip of file;
- FTP transfer of hello.txt and hello.php
- Show the result of hello.txt
- Show the result of hello.php when Symbolic Link is present
You can also see also the FAQ :
How to test the hosting configuration ?
How to create a slave sites ?
Different possibilities exists to create a slave site
If you want create a website from the "back-end, different scenario are possible
- How to create a slave sites into a sub-directory when Symbolic Link is allowed. Go to next step (step 9)
- How to create a slave sites for a domain or sub-domain (see step 10)
- When "Symbolic Link" is forbidden (Not allowed)
- Share the same master directory
- When "Symbolic Link" is allowed
- Share the same master directory
- Redirect the slave sites specific directory to the master directory using the Symbolic Link feature
- How to create a websites from a "websites template"
- How to create a "website template"
- How to create a slave sites based on a "websites template"
If you want create a website from the "front-end", go to step x
- How to propose a free website creation from the front-end
- How to propose a "billable website" creation from the front-end
How to create a subsite into a sub-directory
See this video in :
How to create a slave sites into a sub-directory when Symbolic Link is allowed.
This video show:
- The check that that "symbolic links" is allowed
- Because we use sub-directory, this avoid the setup of the hosting provider domain or sub-domain
- Create an entry into Joomla Multi Sites
- Install the slave site using the Joomla Installation
- How to provide a specific table prefix into Joomla Installation
Sample values:
- Site ID = slave1
- Domain name = {site_url}/multisites/{site_id}
- Deploy directory = {site_dir}
This will create a slave site that will request a fresh Joomla installation. Becarefull to enter a new table prefix in the DB configuration using the advanced panel.
How to create a fresh slave site into a subdomain
See this video in :
How to create a fresh slave site in a subdomain ?
This video that show:
- the creation of the JMS template rule for the subdomain
- how to create a fresh slave site from the back-end using the JMS template rule
How to check the domain and sub-domain hosting provider configuration ?
The idea consists in the installation of the "Hello Word" (hello.txt and hello.php) into the master website root directory (documentroot) and when you want to have a slave site deployed into a specific, also in this specific directory. You can edit the "hello.txt" to put specific text to ensure that you are reading the expected file. To test the "hosting server" configuration, just enter the URL to the master website and also to the slave site and check if you access the expected "hello.txt" and "hello.php". See FAQ : How to configure the hosting provider ?
How to create a JMS Template rule
See this video in :
How to create a JMS template rule?
is a video that show:
- the naming convention used in JMS 1.3 default template rules
- how to create a new rule like an existing one
How to create a website from the front-end
See this video in :
How to propose a service to create a website from the front-end ?.
This video show:
- How to create a template to define the rule that will be used by the front-end when a website will be created
- How to create a menu for the front-end
- How to create a website using the menu create and the template created.
How to create a website from the front-end
See this video in :
How to create a website from the front-end ?
is a video that show:
- the create site menu item
- some sample of layouts that can be purchased
- How to create a JMS Template rule with the parameters for the front-end
How to create a billable website from the front-end
See this video in :
How to propose a service to create billable websites from the front-end ?.
This video show:
- The concept of a billable website creation from the front-end;
- How to create a template rule for a free website creation from the front-end;
- How to create a menu item for the front-end
- How to define a Billable Website products in VirtueMart that is used with Jms Multi Sites.
- How to convert a free website creation into a billable website creation.
Sample of Layout for VM2 to create billable website from the front-end
See this video in :
How to create a website from the front-end ?
is a video that show:
- the different setting provided in the VM2 layout
Joomla FTP Layer configuration
See this video in :
How to setup the FTP Layer to increase the permission level ?
The FTP Layer is a Joomla feature only available for Unix platform.
The FTP Configuration is available when you install Joomla or after the installation into the Global Configuration. When using the FTP Layer, this use the privilege of the user that you chosen for the FTP. The FTP Layer is used to create folders, delete folders, create and delete files, write content into the files, ...
This Video highlight the point:
- The setup of the FTP root path dugin the Joomla Installation: This is the relative path to the JMS site directory
- The modification of the Joomla Global Configuration FTP to restore the master website FTP root path once the slave site is installed.
How to share user and share extension in joomla!
See this video in :
How to share the users and extensions betweens websites ?
This video:
- Present the sharing concept
- How to create a template to define the rule that is used by the front-end when a website is created
- Show the creation of a fresh slave sites where the users will be really saved
- Show the creation of the rule in the JMS template in which is defined the sharing criterias (users or complete extensions)
In particular it show the JMS template / sharing panel.
- Show the creation of another slave site using the sharing rule
- Finally show the JMS tools that is used to supervise the websites and also its usage to install, share or uninstall extension in existing websites.
It also show how to propagate the install, sharing or uninstall of extension to several websites.
cPanel: How to create a subdomain
See this video in :
How to create a subdomain in cPanel ?
This video:
- Present the creation of 3 subdomain (master, slave1 and slave2) using the cPanel.
- The "master" subdomain used for the demo
- The "slave1" subdomain share the same directory than the master website directory.
- The "slave2" subdomain is created in a specific directory
cPanel: How to create a DB and a MySQL User with all privileges
See this video in :
How to create a DB and MySQL users with all privileges in cPanel ?
This video:
- Present the creation of a DB cPanel.
- It also show how to create a MySQL user in cPanel with all privileges
cPanel: How to create a slave site in same directory than master website
See this video in :
How to create a slave site that share the same directory than master website ?
This video:
- Present how to create a JMS slave site that share the same directory than the master website.
This scenario is applicable for Windows platform or on Unix platform when the Symbolic Link is forbidden.
cPanel: How to create a slave site into a specific directory
See this video in :
How to create a slave site into a specific directory ?
This video:
- Present how to create a JMS slave site into a specific directory.
This scenario is only applicable with Unix platform and Symbolic Link allowed.
- It also show possible reason why the Symbolic Link may be forbidden (problem with tmp and logs path defined in the Joomla Global Configuration.
How to create a slave site with specific images, media and templates folders
See this video in :
How to create a slave site with specific images, media and templates folders ?
This video:
- Present how to create a JMS slave site into a specific directory that has a specific images, media and templates folder.
This scenario is only applicable with Unix platform and Symbolic Link allowed.
- To have a specific images and media folders, it is required to replicate a website.
This video also present an very basic JMS template creation to replicate the "slave1" website.
Overview of Joomla! subsite.
Here you can find several video to help you in the configuration of JMS Multisite for Joomla!. This is organized by a set of questions (a road map) that assist you in function of your specific case or context. It is still under constuction but as it already help and reply to some questions we found usefull to publish it. It is still under constuction but as it already help and reply to some questions we found usefull to publish it.