Back-end website management |
The site manager is the control panel where you can define the website parameters. Most of the parameters that are displayed here comes from the Joomla Configuration that is attached to each websites. They are presented in a list to provide you an overview of the database settings and also the table prefix when you share the same database for multiple websites.
Last Updated ( Friday, 28 November 2008 14:05 )
Back-end website definition details |
With the back-end you can create as many websites as you want. There is no limit in the number of websites you can create. In the sample below, we have defined a website called "slave1" that is attached to the URL "slave1.demo.jms2win.com". With JMS 1.1, it is possible to recognize: - domain name like "www.domain.com"
- sub-domain like "sub_domain.domain.com"
- sub-directories like "www.domain.com/sub_directory"
- Protocol can also be used (http or https)
WIth JMS 1.1, you can also use a "website templates" when you want to replicate a "generic" website. This new feature avoid to re-use the Joomla Installation procedure to create the database, create the Joomla configuratoin and re-install the extensions. For the moment, the replication consists in a clone (duplication) of the database tables attached to the "website template" into another table prefix.
Last Updated ( Friday, 28 November 2008 14:09 )
Manager of the "Websites Templates" |
The manager of the "Websites Templates" is the control panel that allows you to define the "Websites template" and the rules that must be used to create new websites. The "websites template" is essential when you want to propose dynamic website creation from the "front-end". For security reason, the "front-end" user have no access to all the parameters that allows to replicate the tables of an existing website. This is the role of the "website template" to define such rules.  |
Last Updated ( Friday, 28 November 2008 14:13 )
Manager of the "Websites Templates" - common rules |
The rules that must be used to create a website must be defined in a template. The template can either be used to create a "back-end" website or a "front-end" website. The rules consits in defining who to compute some website creation parameters (the parameters that are normally introduced in the back-end site manager). The parameters are computed with benefit of some keywords. When a "template site" (parent website) is defined, you can also the replication parameters.
Last Updated ( Friday, 28 November 2008 14:13 )
Manager of the "Websites Templates" - files and folders |
When you define a "template website", you can also define additional rules on the new directory and file structure of the website that will be created based on this model. When working on a Unix platform, all the directories of the website that is used as model will be considered as Symbolic Links. When working on a Windows platform, it is not possible to create the symbolic links. This is not available in the PHP lanquage. You can also ask to ignore the replication of some folders (like some temporary folders or temporary files)  |
Last Updated ( Friday, 28 November 2008 14:14 )
Front-end website access if provided using a menu item where you specify a group of template that must be show to the user and for which it is authorized to create website. The front-end website managment allows the user to see the list of the website he has created. When you are the administrator of the "master" website and you access the front-end with this login, you will see ALL the website created by the users and you will also have a filter on "owner" to see what is displayed to your users. |
Last Updated ( Friday, 28 November 2008 13:55 )
In this screen the front-end user can introduce very few parameters. The parameters it introduced correspond to some keywords that can be used by the "template manager" to compute the real value that must be used during a website creation.  |
Last Updated ( Friday, 28 November 2008 13:57 )
Menu item defintion and JMS scripts |
When you want to propose a front-end website creation to your customer, this can be do using an option in a menu. A special layout is defined in Joomla Multi Sites that also give you the possibility to filter the "template websites" that will be shown to the user. In addition, with billable website enabled, you have the possibilty to write additional PHP code that must be executed during the website creation. You have also the possibility to use specific MultiSites plugin that can do the same kind of thing. We have for example a plugiin "Joomla Multi Sites bridge for VirtueMart" that automatically add a product item into the shopping cart of VirtueMart and that also manage the VirtueMart status modification to synchronize them with Joomla Multi Sites. 
Last Updated ( Friday, 28 November 2008 13:52 )
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