For two weeks we have had multisite working flawlessly on a new server, creating 20 new sites from the same templates without problems. However since yesterday this suddenly doesn't work.
Every time i create a new site it throws me out of joomla requesting me to log in again. If i then log in, the mail menu will be missing and first after logging out and in once more the master works as it should. The database for new site is however still empty and none of the symbolic links are created.
In the backend i get the following error:
[Thu Jul 14 06:53:08 2011] [error] [client ******] File does not exist: /home/***/public_html/master/administrator/images/, referer:
Adding a images folder to administrator gives instead the following error:
[Thu Jul 14 06:57:08 2011] [error] [client *****] File does not exist: /home/***/public_html/master/administrator/images/blank.png, referer:
Since we last time had everything working the follwing has happend to the server:
- Installed JCE 2.0.1
- Changed the htaccess file a bit
- repatched Multisites
All small changes which doesn't have a lot to do with JMS.
After trying everything for 6 hours without even getting a lead I turn to the forum for help. I feel i have tried everything, but without any form for error message it is nearly imposible to get further. So does any one have a good idea to this one? And if not, isn't there anyway that you can get some debuging information from JMS... can't be the only one lacking some basic error information.
Best regards