I can't turn on my ftp layer so I can upload stuff, etc inside joomla.
now I have the ftp settings correct because they are the same as the ftp client I'm using.
the tmp folder is set to 777
When I hit the apply button a screen pops up quickly (I had to take a screenshot to read it.
(if you can't read it, here's the gist) Warning: fileowner() [function.fileowner]: stat failed path.php
then it goes back to the general settings with
* JFTP::connect: Could not connect to host "
www.xxxx.us" on port 21
* JFTP::connect: Could not connect to host "
www.xxxx.us" on port 21
* JFTP::connect: Could not connect to host "
www.xxxx.us" on port 21
I have one master and 2 slaves. I tried this with the master. I had this on another server and it worked then, but after I moved it it doesn't work.
is there maybe a path or something I have to change somewhere?? any idea which files I should check??
I have no idea how to fix this. Any ideas would be appreciated.