I have the same problem. I installed the latest version of the component on an existing Joomla site (Joomla 1.5.25), then applied the patches - which seems to be correctly added - and registered the component, which is also gone fine. In the component I see that registration went okay, have latest version of everything, component is registered, Symlinks are working.
Then created a subdomain, called handbook, and pointed the subdomain to the correct directory. Checked and double-checked, domain is added properly an points where should.
Then added the new slave site, as described in the tutorial.
All went okay. And when I visited the new site - surprise- nothing happened.
I searched your forum, I watched the videos, checked and double-checked (BTW, I am the maintainer of joomla-tips.org, so I know a couple of things about Joomla, hosting and stuff like that) but no chances.
Here's the slave site:
and here's the master:
I even installed the hello.php in the slave, just to be sure.
Any help would be appreciated, this is a part of a big project, and I'm on a tight schedule!