Hi: I am building a specific structure on my Multisite Project and I would like to know if it is possible...
I need this...
for example...
In order to achieve this I´ve configured wildcard subdomains on cpanel to have dynamic subdomains like… xxx.mydomain.com
This is my structure…
*.addon-domain = points to… /public_html/
Addon-domain document root = /public_html/addon-domain/
Deploy Di = /home/account/public_html/multisites/{site_prefix}
But there is a problem with the images. When I upload an image or use JCE Editor, the images are taken from the master website which is on the root directory, and not from the deployed directory, even touhg I ´ve set the directory folder to be copied and is as a new subdirectory.
I´ve read on the forums that in order to make it work, the wildcard subdomain should be pointed to the same dir as the deploy directory, but that dir is for example...
And that way all the slaved sites should have the same images folder. I need to have indepenent images and media folder using addoon domain + wildcard subdomains and the images to work.
Is this structure possible and how to achive this?