Virtuemart Question 15 Years ago
Karma: 1
I have successfully set up the program and slave sites but I have a question about the configuration of virtuemart.
Each site has its own configuration file that can be edited from the virtuemart backend Virtuemart > Admin > Configuration. I have checked that the patches are installed correctly and If I make a change to one configuration file it stays on that site so that's great.
However, this configuration does not include the same information found in Virtuemart > Store > Edit Store this information includes the store name, domain, and contact information, etc. for each site. This is the information that is sent in confirmation emails. If I make a change in Virtuemart > Store > Edit the change is reflected in each site. It's important to have each site have it's own store details (Store name, url, logo, etc.) on this section of virtuemart.
Have I configured something incorrectly? How would I go about having each site have its own details in Virtuemart > Store > Edit?
Re: Virtuemart Question 15 Years ago
Karma: 54
The "virtuemart.cfg.php" is specific to each website.
When you start the admin of a slave site, if the specific "virtuemart.cfg.php" does not exists then JMS create it based on the master one.
So you have to go in the back end of each slave site and setup the configuration.
When you save the confg, this create a file like "virtumart_XXXXX.cfg.php" where XXXX is your slave site ID.
Concerning the "Edit Store", the information are saved in the DB and therefore are specific to each website.
If you share the VirtueMart between several website, in this case it will be unique.
Re: Virtuemart Question 15 Years ago
Karma: 1
I do share the virtuemart between several webistes and each has its own configuration file. However, when updating the store information on one of the slave sites it overwrites the information on all of the sites.
My goal is to update the store information on each slave site.
Re:Virtuemart Question 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0
I have the same issue.
I have one Master site and other 2 slaves.
Both slaves share the component virtuemart.
When i Edit configuration for slave1, it saves also in slave2.
And viceversa.
Where in backend, or what are the steps to make virtuemart.cfg.php for each slave site?
Where i edit this setting?
Thank you
Re:Virtuemart Question 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0
You said in a previous post:
"So you have to go in the back end of each slave site and setup the configuration."
Where exactelly?
I searched everywhere..cant find it.
The slave site, is reading for virtuemart.chg.php, but in my server files, i have those 2 other virtuemart.XXXXX.cfg.php but i dont know how to make each slave site to read his virtuemart.XXXX.cfg.php.
Where in backend i have to edit that? I virtuemart configuration or in joomla global configuration?
Re:Virtuemart Question 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 54
Menu Virtuemart -> configuration.
Each time to edit and save the configuration, this create a specific configuration (when not already present).
When a file with a specific name is present, it is automatically read by all the virtumart call.
When it is not present, it reads the default (the one without the suffix).
Last Edit: 2010/03/17 00:44 By edwin2win.