Hi there,
I have installed a Joomla 1.5.x site ( conventionally ) and it works.
Having installed the JMS addon I appear to have successfully configured a template and am trying to get the first slave site to work. The master database jms_ has been cloned to give client1.
I want the configuration to be :
www.kutchka.net - as the master site
www.client1.kutchka.net as the first slave etc.
Looking at the manual instructions for configuring httpd.conf it says ( p16 ) .. "the objective is to define the same folder path for all websites".
The extract of httpd.conf suggests this folder path ( i.e. the document root ) should be .../multisites. In my installation version 1.1.21 of JMS2Win this subdirectory has just 2 PHP files : config_multisites.php, and config_templates.php...
Should there not be an index.php in the multisites directory ??
I have checked the httpd.conf is correct by putting a dummy index.php file ( containing simply text ) in the multisites directory. This file is shown correctly when I put
www.client1.kutchka.net into a browser...
Please help...