Administrator Main-Slave are the same 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
I copied the administrator folder from my main to my slave sites.
My main site is
When I type in my slave site,, I see that it's identified as the ventura administrator page. I log in, and it takes me back to the administrator page, and it asks me to log in.
If I hit the back button, I see that I'm in the ventura administrator page again. I change the heading of one article from "Welcome to Santa Barbara" to "Welcome to Ventura" and it changes both the Ventura and Santa Barbara article.
I just upgraded with new patches. This didn't happen before.
I thought that this might've been a problem with copying the administrator folder, so I created another subdomain without copying it, but the same problem happened.
Everything with creating the slave sites went smoothly.
I used this for my site ID for all the slave sites: u{user_id}site_prefix}.
Re:Administrator Main-Slave are the same 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 54
I don't understand why you have choosen to copy the administrator directory and not simply use the JMS symbolic link feature when a websites is deployed in a specific folder.
When you copy the administrator directory this also means that the joomla update and JMS patches will not be installed in those replication directories.
Perhaps this may explain this strange results.
For the new slave site that you create, can you check it uses the correct Symbolic Link and they do not refer to your replication directories.
Re:Administrator Main-Slave are the same 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
Thanks for the reply, edwin2win.
I checked your video on symbolic links.
I'm on, and they don't do symbolic links--at least it showed me on your software that it's forbidden and I verified with that they don't allow that.
Should I just not copy the administrator directory, or what's the best way to handle it?
In terms of the "Welcome to Santa Barbara" and "Welcome to Ventura" it's an easy fix in that I remove the names of the cities and keep it generic.
I'm assuming that, under my current configuration, if someone posts information on the Santa Barbara site, it would show the same information on the Ventura site as I've given the two different database prefixes.
Thanks in advance to your reply.
Re:Administrator Main-Slave are the same 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
Oops, sorry, Edwin.
I upload the Hello world script and got the following:
hello world script
The current path is "/home/content/s/c/o/scotty417/html/santabarbara"
Symbolic Link is PRESENT
I don't know what to do next.
I don't have shell access, and I don't understand your directions on how to create the "master_link."
All of my subdomains point to the current path.
I see where you write "enter the full path of the slave site" and that this will create the master_linl/
Would that full path be /home/content/s/c/o/scotty417/html/santabarbara
Or would that be /home/content/s/c/o/scotty417/html/santabarbara/multisites/ventura?
Re:Administrator Main-Slave are the same 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 54
With GoDaddy, I effectivelly think that the Symbolic Link is allowed.
I congratulate you because you have followed the tutorial and have seen that it is present with the "Hello World".
When you use the "Hello World" to test the Symbolic Link you have to enter the full path.
Idem in JMS. You have to give a full path.
In JMS, to help writting the value in the deploy directory field, we have given the keyword {site_dir}. See the help beside the field.
Cocnerning the JMS that say Symbolic Link is forbidden and "Hello World" that say this is present, the problem come from the fact that you have probably wrong TMP and LOG path in your Global Configuration. JMS can not write temporary Symbolic Link into the tmp directory and is not able to read a file in the log directory. Check those path and permissions.
As explained in the tutorial step 8, you have to share the same directory path. This is can be accomplished in GoDaddy. You have to provide the same folder path for all the domain and sub-domain.
Re:Administrator Main-Slave are the same 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
Thanks, Edwin, for such quick service.
I have a shared account with GoDaddy and by default, they have the /var/logs shut off, so I turned them on and will wait.
I have shared all of the multisites with the same directory path.
I just absent-mindedly copied everything from the template directory, except the multisite folder.
Is there a way to uncopy the administrator directory, or should I just delete the subdomains and start all over?
Are there any other things that I shouldn't just copy over from the original site?
Thanks for all of your help!