hello Edwin,
we are expiriencing a very strange issue with our latest slave implementation:
when uploading an image to the media component, the physical path to that image is additionally included into the path, which leads to a non visible image (wrong path).
Let me explain an example:
When I upload an image to that latest slave with the backend media manager, the upload is successful, but the image does not show up. In source code of the backend page, I see the following <img src=...> tag:
<img src="
shop.wins.wien/images/wins.wien//C:/Webserver/httpdocs/XXXXX/XXXXX/httpdocs/images/wins.wien/kochbuch-titelseite.png" alt="kochbuch-titelseite.png - 681,03 kB" height="60" width="42">
Note the
bolded part of that path, which should not be there anyway...
If I switch to another slave within the same master, and upload the very same image, it works as expected and I can see the following <img > tag:
<img src="
it-solutions.schultz.ch/images/schultz.c...titelseite.png" alt="kochbuch-titelseite.png - 681,03 kB" height="60" width="42">
Again, this is within the same master installation, so the Joomla! media component is physically the same scripts. So I come to the conclusion that it somehow has to do with the JMS environment (though I am not certain of this).
A little background information:
Windows Server implementation, Apache 2.4, PHP 7.1.11, MariaDB 10.2, Joomla 3.8.2, JMS 1.3.70 basic
The slave installation I am talking about was created only within the last few weeks. All other installations within that master seem not to be affected by this issue - though I positively know this only for two or three of the implementations.
Do you have any idea what this could be about?
Kind regards