JCE unknown in slave sites 9 Years, 12 Months ago
Karma: 0
I installed Joomla 3.2.7, Jms2win 1.3.32.
I created the master site and slave sites where "components" directory is a link to the "components" directory of the master site.
After all sites have been created, I needed to install JCE 2.4.5 editor in the master site. The problem is that in the administrator interface of the slave site, the item "JCE administration" does not appear in the "Components" menu. JCE does not appear in the plugin menu.
I do not understand why JCE component is invisible as the "components" directory of the slave sites is a link to the "components" directory of the master site.
Could you, please, help me ?
Thanks in advance !
Re: JCE unknown in slave sites 9 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 54
There is an issue in JCE that we still not have identified.
To make the JCE working in the slave site, you need to disable its cache.
JCE has a problem with the cache when working with JMS.
Re: JCE unknown in slave sites 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
I had not seen your answer, sorry ! Thanks a lot !
Best regards,
Anne-Marie Pocquet
Re: JCE unknown in slave sites 9 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 54
No problem.
I have not yet identified the peace of code that cause the issue in JCE or I would have reported it to JCE team.
If somebody want to report that to JCE team, that would be good.
All I suspect is that the path to the compressed/cache JCE data is wrong because the extension probably use the physical path of a file that would be wrong when it crosses a symbolic link.
In this case, the physical path does not correspond to the URL document root because it could be located in the master path and not relative to the slave path.
That would mean that the extension does not use the JPATH_ROOT value but recompute itself the path.
This is just an hypothesis that I still not be able to confirm.
Disable the compression/cache in the slave just solve the issue.