I am extremely pressed for time, and found your product to be feature rich, but I have just a couple days to finish this product, so if I can't get this working in the next 12 hours I'm going to submit for a full immediate refund from Pay Pal. $242 USD is too much to be paying for software that doesn't work.
My Problem -
Every screen is a BLANK SCREEN - NOTHING (and I mean NOTHING other than your "About Us" Page) works.
I've done as much troubleshooting of this as I can, and I can't find anything that will give me a clue as to what is going on. No error messages at all, even with Debug and Error Reporting wide open.
I need answers soon, otherwise, I'm going to have to go elsewhere and demand a full refund.
Please - Someone needs to help here, I'd like to use this and be a part of your success story, but right now - I don't even see success in seeing anything on the page... Here's a SCREENSHOT...