Errors in multisites master site 11 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0
Hello there,
We have created some slave sites under master and we are trying to update a template and to be more specific Joomla Art's Brisk template.
What is the optimum way of template update? Because as we click in to extention manager and we select update the Brisk template the following errors occure:
Update path does not exist
Also we face problem with joomla art extention manager as we installed it on master and in to the slave sites through tools > slave select > and in component list we selected to be installed to the slave site.
In the slave site when we going to update the extension we receiving an error like:
SQL=SELECT * FROM clicktocalljaem_services AS t WHERE 1 ORDER BY t.ws_name
Then we can see in Multisites > maitenance of the master site multiple errors. And one of them is CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `#__jaem_services` and after checking the db we can see that the table for jaem (joomla art extention manager) was not created at all.
If we runn them manually this queries the errors will be solved? And the tables will be created?
We chacked the permissions and there is no way that is a permision error.
Also in maintenace the fix db button what exactlyu is and what will fix for us?
We cannot find help about maintenance and how it works exactly.
Re: Errors in multisites master site 11 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 54
This is not clear.
occurs when you perform an update of the template from the master or the slave site.
Which action do you use to perform the update ?
Do you go in the "extension manager" present in the master and select the sub-menu update or do you use something else.
You also mentioned a similar problem with the Jooml art extension manager.
Do you have that in the master or the slave ?
Something that I suspect is that you have a table prefix that might be "recursive" or using another website.
Based on the error that you report, the table prefix seems to be "clicktocalij"
IN general, it is better to finish a table prefix with '_' underscore
Also verify that you use the latest JMS version and that you have the "Joomlart extension manager" defined in JMS.
See the FAQ for the procedure to get the latest version.
Last Edit: 2013/09/17 20:46 By edwin2win.
Re:Errors in multisites master site 11 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0
occurs when you perform an update of the template from the master or the slave site.
Yes error occurs when we try update of template through master site.
Which action do you use to perform the update ?
Do you go in the "extension manager" present in the master and select the sub-menu update or do you use something else.
Through extention manager and submenu update in order to update all extentions. Actually every update we make we make it on master and we let sdlave sites to inherit the update this the reason we buyed jms in order to update easily all extention we use in our sites
You also mentioned a similar problem with the Jooml art extension manager.
Do you have that in the master or the slave ?
In the master and we are trying to use it from the slaves also.
We use the latest jms
Re:Errors in multisites master site 11 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 54
I have asked you to verify the JMS version and you didn't replied to that.
Which is the JMS version and Joomla version ?
Do you use the latest JMS version ?
Normally, when you install something in the master, this is like installing it from a standalone joomla.
JMS is not present during the installation of a master.
I need to know exactly the Joomla version and JMS version to investigate in the appropriate sources.
In Joomla 3.1.5, the COM_INSTALLER_TYPE_TYPE_ error message should be followed by the pakcakge type. So it seems that the package type is empty that would explain that the error message is not found.
This message is displayed when the package type can not be installed.
Here, that seems normal if the package type provided by the extension is empty.
If you are technical, see joomla source
/administrator/comonents/com_installer/models/install.php line 113
During an update, this is located in
/administrator/comonents/com_installer/models/updatephp line 301
If you want to find all the package type, see the language file
administrator\language\en-GB\en-GB.com_installer.ini line 155 to 162