thanks a lot for the answer.
I'll try to describe the scenario ...
We have a master which had some content, menus, modules at the beginning. From this master we created slaves with a slightly modified template "freshSlaveDomain": We create all slaves in a slave-database with slavename as prefix. The master has a an own database.
master is in a server folder and on same level we have all slave sites. We didnt change anything on tab "Folders and files" in our modified template. Its still exactly the same as in "freshSlaveDomain".
Ok, we created our slaves with the content we had created in master.
Then we realized that this doesn't make sense and we emptied the master. We deleted any module we created and any pages and any menus. So we ended up with an empty master where we had only one menu left with one item for the start page in it. We couldn't get rid of that as Joomla doesnt permit a delete.
Well now we have to edit the slaves (in master) to add urls and we thought we could deploy some users created now on master and some parameter settings of modules and components to the slave sites this way.
Well the latter worked: users and parameter settings were deployed after save of a slave site as expected.
BUT in
each menu defined in our slave sites the first menu item got lost when saving the slave site definition.
Well I thought it could be the menu we couldn't delete on master. see above. So I set via phpMyAdmin the ids in #__menu and #__menutypes to an id which can't interfere with these ids in same tables on slaves:
Code: |
9999 replicated-home-menu Replicated Home Menu (please delete) Replicated Home Menu (please delete)
Code: |
999101 replicated-home-menu Not to be used not-used not-used
But this didn't change anything. From both menus defined on slave sites, the first menu item was gone after we save a slave on master.
Could I describe the problem ?
Best Regards and thanks for helping us