Joomla Multi site not working when made live 12 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
We have created a websites with Joomla Multi-site module on our test domains but when we point the live domain to the folders [] the slave sites stop working i.e. the slave sites show the main site template and content
We simply created the new www dns entries and pointed then to the www folders (which are what points to) so no new folders/dbs need to be uploaded.
But if you try to access a of them, they seem to default to master site.. So I am thinking there is something in joomla multi sites that need to be setup for www?
Re: Joomla Multi site not working when made live 12 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 54
If this is the master website that is displayed, this is because you didn't defined the "live" domain into the list of slave site.
So if you had a test domain that you want to make it live, ensure that you also have as synonym the live domain present in the slave site defintion.
When a domain is not declared in JMS, this is considered as the master website and therefore this is the master content that is displayed.
So verify your slave site definition and ensure that the live domain is present in a slave site.
Re:Joomla Multi site not working when made live 12 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
Hello Edwin,
Thank you for your help
We were able to resolve the issue by changing the file [config_multisites.php] and adding the alias in multisite backend
We changed the site names in config_multisites.php i.e. there was only, so we added the to each