Once you have uninstalled JMS, to be sure that all the patches are removed, we suggest that you unzip an original Joomla package over the current installation and at the end, that you drop (remove) the /installation directory that can not be present when the "configuration.php" is already there.
Remark: If you still have slave sites present when you have uninstalled JMS on the master, the slave site may perhaps continue working and use the master as all the files and folders on the disk may remain shared.
Concerning the DB of existing slave sites, if you have shared some content with the master, they will continue to be present.
Therefore, before uninstall JMS on the master, if you don't want to still have website sharing some content with the master, delete all the slaves before uninstalling JMS on the master OR convert the slave sites as independent website before uninstall JMS on the master.