In fact the update/upgrade of Joomla needs more than a simple click as joomla also warn you with a notice.
As explained in user manual chapter 8, you need to distinguish
- update (bug fix) - only PHP code is modified and DB structure is unchanged. In this case, you can perform the update of the master only
- upGrade add new functionalities and DB Structure is modified but compatible with previous version. In this case, you have to perform the upGrade in each slave site.
Unfortunately, the Joomla extension / database => fix Button does NOT perform the upGrade. The upGrade is only perform by the last step of the "Joomla Update" action.
You can call this Joomla update by calling the administrator/index.php?option=com_joomlaupdate&view=update&layout=finaliseconfirm
At the difference of the Database => Fix, this operation process ALL the statement including the "INSERT", "UPDATE" of record that are now required starting with J3.6.x
So the operation is to call this special "finaliseconfirm" and after execute the Extension Manager / Database => Fix
in each slave site.
This operation can ONLY be done once you have update/upGrade all the extensions before joomla itself.
The JMS Maintenance helps you identifying the DB Structure modification and therefore determine if you are in face of an update or upGrade to know which action must be executed.
Concerning the extension, this is more complex because the procedure to perform an upGrade is extension dependent.
Some extension like Hikashop have a button to check their DB structure and apply the modification.
We have initiated several internal prototype (Research/Development) to try improving the upGrade but we don't have anything that we can publish.
We didn't fixed any internal deadline.