Help w/ importing legacy users for partial sharing 7 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
Hello Edwin,
I need some advice/help regarding how to import users into a slave site which shares users with another slave site. I believe you call this "partial sharing", since the content, images and templates are not shared between the two slave sites.
Furthermore, the site for which I need to import users, is a site which I am about to import into the JMS platform. I have already upgraded the extensions and Joomla version to match.
Usually when importing a site as a slave, I would create the slave and then copy the images into the images_specific directory, and the sites specific template into the templates directory, and then import the complete .sql export file into the slave's database, including the users table(s).
But since the users are shared and we have configured JMS to work with separate users tables in their own database, I'm not sure what I should do. I'm guessing that the user id's would change.
Can you please tell me what the process would be to accomplish both the import of the legacy site, and the correct import of the legacy users?
Re: Help w/ importing legacy users for partial sharing 7 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 54
Concerning the import of users, you need a specific extensions for that.
There are several extensions in the JED that can help you doing with a connection on another joomla. This is for example the SP Upgrade that is generally used to upgrade from a Joomla 1.5 to a newer joomla version.
When you are using sharing of the users and want to import only the users, as long as the table structure is not modified, then you can continue to use the PHPMyAdmin to perform the "INSERT" into the linked table. This will add the record as usual in the physical table.
Now in your specific case and as you already used our billable support, perhaps that you have forgotten that I have installed a specific "User Import" extension on one of your master website.
This specific "User Import" component is able to import a CSV file containing the users coming from anywhere. It can also be used to import users in a website using the "partial user sharing" to automatically grant the user imported to the specific site.
Re: Help w/ importing legacy users for partial sharing 7 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
Thank you Edwin for the reminder about the User Import component you installed. This could be more complicated, since I am also importing an entire legacy site into the system. As mentioned in my original post, I would normally import the entire legacy site sql file, including the existing #_users table. But since this JMS site has separate #_users tables, I'm at a loss as to how to import the legacy sql file.
Do I remove the legacy #_users table from the sql file before importing it? And do I then import the legacy #_users table sql statement into my separate users table in the JMS?
Re: Help w/ importing legacy users for partial sharing 7 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 54
If you are using the "Partial User Sharing", the direct import via MySQL will not declare the users for the sharing.
So you need to use the "User Import" that is able to add the sharing definition in the same time.
So from my point of view, you have to export your legacy users into a CSV file an after import them using the "User Import" component.
Re:Help w/ importing legacy users for partial sharing 7 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
Thanks Edwin -- just to clarify, are these the steps you are recommending?
1. Export legacy site sql file with phpMyAdmin.
2. Export legacy site css file with phpMyAdmin.
3. Remove #_users table CREATE and INSERT statements from legacy sql file and import it into the slave site database with phpMyAdmin.
4. Delete all site CSV records EXCEPT the #_users records from CSV export file and import it into the master site user the User Import extension.
Re:Help w/ importing legacy users for partial sharing 7 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 54
2. CSV (Not CSS)
3. No
You can NOT drop the #__users table in the slave site when you want to keep the "Partial User Sharing".
Import the CSV using the "User Import" extension when using the "Partial User Sharing"
4. Not Applicable.
The solution that you are describing and that is also not good is for a standalone joomla as in 3, you decide to DROP the #__users to replace by a new one.
You can not do that when using the Partial User Sharing as the physical table is NOT located in the slave site where you want to import.