If you want to move your environment from one server to another one, there are several method and the easiest one consists in creating a new hosting account that use the same "primary home directory".
I will take here a sample based on cPanel that has generation a hosting account using home directory like "/home/ACCOUNT".
If you have created the master and all the slave site using the recommended convention for the directory name (domains/DOMAIN_COM/public_html or domains/DOMAIN_COM/subdomains/SUBDOMA/public_html
That means that all the PHP code is located in your /home/ACCOUNT/domains
If this is the case, the free weekly backup shell script will do the backup of everything including all the DBs of the cPanel account.
Once you have the backup done, you can simply decompress the TGZ on the new server extract all the files and folders.
If the home directory is changed:
- you will have to rebuild the symbolic links.
- you will also have to verify the JMS settings and location of the "multisites" directory.
- When you delete a symbolic link and after re-open a slave site definition followed by a save then this rebuild the symbolic link.
- You will have to remove (delete) the index.php and index2.php that is present in each slave to let JMS rebuild them with the new path.
To restore all the DBs, the easiest way is to execute the MySQL < backup.SQL
See also the backup/restore procedure