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Extension database not updating on slaves
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TOPIC: Extension database not updating on slaves
Extension database not updating on slaves 9 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0
Regarding upgrading of extensions on a JMS site.

I have upgraded RSForm Pro in my master site and am upgrading it in my slave sites.

On one of my slave sites, after upgrading RSForm Pro, when I try to make a change to a form and save it, I get the following error, quoted below. I was changing the admin notification email address so that I could do some testing but when I clicked "Save" I got the error.

What is causing this problem?

I checked for database structure warnings in Joomla in both parent and slave, and the structure is current. Yet, this error says that a database table column is missing.

I know and understand that the extension upgrade rule-of-thumb is if the upgrade doesn't include changes to the database structure, then you only have to upgrade it in the master site. If the extension's database tables change in the upgrade, then the upgrade needs to be done in the parent, and then also in the slave. (page 88)

I can confirm that the KeepIP table exists in the master database, but not in the slave database. But I can't speculate as to why it isn't in the slave. The typical update procedure for RSForms Pro is to just install over the new over the old. And I did upgrade in the master, followed by upgrading in each slave admin area.

I am awaiting feedback from you and from RSJoomla before trying to add the missing table to the slave database(s).

I'm also curious what you mean in your extension re-installation instructions on page 41 by "recommended to re-configure them exactly the same way for all websites." Does that mean I have to have the same forms in all sites? What precisely do you mean by the same configuration?



1054 Unknown column 'KeepIP' in 'field list' SQL=UPDATE `bgj_rsform_forms` SET `FormName`='Business Card Order Form',`FormLayout`='<h2>Step One: Layout Options (Continued)</h2>\r\n<p><em>All business cards will be double- sided, at no additional cost. You may choose to have an appointment card on the reverse side, or XYZ Company\'s social media network sites listed (Facebook and Twitter).</em></p>\r\n<p>Appointment card option:</br><img style=\"border:  1px solid #627d77;\" src=\"images_specific/stories/xyz_appt-card_back.jpg\"></p>\r\n<p>Social media option:</br><img style=\"border: 1px solid #627d77;\" src=\"images_specific/stories/xyz_bcard_back.jpg\"></p>\r\n {appointmentoption:caption} <span class=\"req\">*</span><br/>\r\n {appointmentoption:body}<br/>\r\n {appointmentoption:validation}\r\n {appointmentoption:description}<br/>\r\n<hr></hr>\r\n<h2>Step Two: Personal Information</h2>\r\n {name:caption}<span class=\"req\">*</span><br/ >\r\n {name:body}<br/>\r\n {name:validation}\r\n {name:description}<br/>\r\n {degree:caption}<br/>\r\n {degree:body}<br/>\r\n {degree:validation}\r\n {degree:description}<br/>\r\n {job_title:caption}<span class=\"req\">*</span><br/>\r\n {job_title: body}<br/>\r\n {job_title:validation}\r\n {job_title:description}<br/>\r\n {department:caption}<br/>\r\n {department:body}<br/>\r\n {department:validation}\r\n {department:description}<br/>\r\n {email:caption}<span class=\"req\">*</span><br/>\r\ n {email:body}<br/>\r\n {email:validation}\r\n {email:description}<br/>\r\n {direct_phone:caption}<span class=\"req\">*</span><br/>\r\n {direct_phone:body}<br/>\r\n {direct_phone:validation}\r\n {direct_phone:description}<br/>\r\n {additional_phone: caption}<br/>\r\n {additional_phone:body}<br/>\r\n {additional_phone:validation}\r\n {additional_phone:description}<br/>\r\n {fax:caption}<br/>\r\n {fax:body}<br/>\r\n {fax:validation}\r\n {fax:description}<br/>\r\n {address:caption}<br/>\r\ n {address:body}<br/>\r\n {address:validation}\r\n {address:description}<br/>\r\n\r\n<hr></hr>\r\n<h2>Step Three: Quantity</h2>\r\n {quantity_radio:caption}<span class=\"req\">*</span><br/>\r\n {quantity_radio:body}<br/>\r\n {quantity_radio: validation}\r\n {quantity_radio:description}<br/>\r\n<em>Prices do not include shipping costs and should not be entered on your PRF; shipping rates vary based on the total amount ordered.</em>\r\n<hr></hr>\r\n<h2>Step Four: Finalize and Submit</h2>\ r\n {admin_name:caption}<span class=\"req\">*</span><br/>\r\n {admin_name:body}<br/>\r\n {admin_name:validation}\r\n {admin_name:description}<br/>\r\n {admin_email:caption}<span class=\"req\">*</span><br/>\r\n {admin_email:body}<br/>\r\ n {admin_email:validation}\r\n {admin_email:description}<br/>\r\n {doublecheck:caption}<br/>\r\n {doublecheck:body}<br/>\r\n {doublecheck:validation}\r\n {doublecheck:description}<br/>\r\n {submit:caption}<br/>\r\n {submit:body}<br/>\r\n {submit: validation}\r\n {submit:description}<br/>\r\n</div>\r\n',`FormLayoutName`='2lines',`FormLayoutAutogenerate`='0',`CSS`='',`JS`='',`FormTitle`='PHMC General Card',`ShowFormTitle`='1',`Lang`='en- GB',`Keepdata`='1',`KeepIP`='1',`ReturnUrl`='',`ShowThankyou`='1',`ShowContinue`='1',`UserEmailTo`='{admin_email:value} ',`UserEmailCC`='',`UserEmailBCC`='',`UserEmailFrom`='communications@phmc.org',`UserEmailReplyTo`='',`UserEmailFromName`='XYZ Company',`UserEmailSubject`='You have successfully submitted an order for a new business card.',`UserEmailMode`='1',`UserEma ilAttach`='0',`UserEmailAttachFile`='',`AdminEmailTo`='admin@xyzcompany.com',`AdminEmailCC`='',`AdminEmailBCC`='',`AdminEmailFrom`='admin@xyzcompany.com',`AdminEmailReplyTo`='',`AdminEmailFromName`='XZY Company',`AdminEmailSubject`='Someone has submi tted an order for a new business card.',`AdminEmailMode`='1',`ScriptProcess`='',`ScriptProcess2`='',`ScriptDisplay`='',`UserEmailScript`='',`AdminEmailScript`='',`AdditionalEmailsScript`='',`MetaTitle`='0',`MetaDesc`='',`MetaKeywords`='',`Required`=' (*)',`MultipleSeparator`='\\ n',`TextareaNewLines`='1',`CSSClass`='',`CSSId`='userForm',`CSSName`='',`CSSAction`='',`CSSAdditionalAttributes`='',`AjaxValidation`='0',`ThemeParams`='',`Backendmenu`='',`ConfirmSubmission`='0',`Access`='',`Published`='1' WHERE `FormId`='3' 
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Last Edit: 2015/06/17 23:14 By azurelink.
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Re: Extension database not updating on slaves 9 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 54
As you saw, the error message tells you that the column KeepIP
does not exists in the table bgj_rsform_forms

So I suppose that you didn't upGraded the DB structure in the slave sites.

If you use the JMS maintenance menu, you can verify the structure.
Verify that JMS select the appropriate schema version to compare with the slave site.
When there are several version, it may happen that the default structure selected by JMS is not the latest one.

To upGrade an extension, this may depend on the extension itself.
On recent joomla some extension use the standard joomla update factilities to verify their DB structure and apply the "fix" like in the extension manager / database => fix button

Other extensions require to be installed over the current one to perform the upgrade.
The problem may happen when with some extension that use the current version on the php file to determine the previous version. In this case, as soon as you have upgraded your master, the slave site does not know anymore the previous version.

A method that can help is to use the JMS maintenance to verify the structure and apply the fix like the extension manager / database => fix button.

Concerning RSForm and the configuration of the form, I think they are saved in a table of RSForm. So the structure of the form is specific to each site.
The exception is when you share the RSForm content.
In this case, when you proceed with an upGrade, you have to drop the sharing of RSForm and rebuild it.
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