The concept of JMS is based on the sharing.
- Sharing of the same joomla application (php code) and extensions.
- Sharing of the content of a limited number of extensions (DB content)
When an extension is used in a slave site, this mean that it runs the php code present in the master.
For this reason, when you try to install an extension in a slave site, JMS verifies that this extension is present in the master with exactly the same version number.
So, if you have a message that inform you that the extension is not present in the master, this may mean that you didn't installed the extension in the master or that this extension you a special installer to bypass the standard joomla installation.
You have 3 differents method to install something in a slave site.
- Use the JMS tools to install the extension. This only copy the MySQL table and not the PHP as it is already present.
- Re-install the extension in the slave site with the "master / version" verification
- Use the extension manager / discover to identify the extension that are already present in the master and for which the declaration of them in the DB is missing.
In J2.5 (or higher), all the extensions (component, module, plugin, template, libraries, ...) have entries in the DB to declare them.
So the extension can not appear automatically as they must be declared in the DB.
Under J1.5/aJmooL 1.5, the template does not need to be installed as they are automatically detected by Joomla as there is no DB entry required for them.
Remark: In case where the extension would not be defined in the JMS toola and that the re-install verification fails due to a specific extension installer, it is possible to setup JMS to ignore this verification at your own risk as disable it may create inconistencies. See the JMS settings to disable the verification.