To do a backup and restore on a local environment, we generally using the weekly backup shell script with all DBs.
This is a shell script that is designed for cPanel and if all the website are stored in the domains directory as recommended, you can do a backup of all the websites in one shot.
This will also keep the symbolic links and DB sharing.
When restore on a local machine, we recommend to keep the same directory structure and DB names and password.
So that, the restore is easy.
Personnally, we restore linux backup on windows platform.
When working on a localhost, the chapter 9 of JMS manual explain how to simulate the domain name in production.
So that you can do test and development with a perfect copy of your production.
The problem with akeeba backup is that it will not do the backup of all the slave site and it may also have problems with the symbolic links.
This is the reason why we created the shell script backup.
Some customer have been able to configure akeeba backup correctly but we never succeeded. So we are not able to guide you on the correct akeeba backup settings.