1) depending on the joomla version there are different method.
J1.5, the template and languages are automatically shared by joomla.
J2.5 or higher, Joomla changed the way to manage the template and languages. Now they need to be installed in the slave site because they store information in the DB (that was not the case in J1.5)
On Joomla 2.5 or higher, there are 3 method to install an extension
a) Use the JMS tool menu to install the extension.
When it is not defined in the JMS tool menu (mainly the components), you have 2 other methods
b) Re-install the extension from the back-end of the slave site
c) Use the discover menu present in the slave site.
2) The word extension means : components, modules, plugins, templates, lanqugages
3) The extension that are automatically installed in a slave sites are the templates and languages under J1.5
In J2.5, you need to install them in the slave sites.
4) Yes you can replicate a slave sites.
This is the case that is the most frequently presented in the tutorial videos.
5) Theorically, JMS should only be installed in the master.
You should not have to install in a slave site.
The only exception is when the slave site use a JMS full edition and want to propose a service to create website from the front-end.
Otherwise, the administration of the slave site should only be performed from the master.