Hello All
I need to have a different "uploaded images" directory for each slave.
In some modules/plug-ins I managed to fix it by configuring them to use a special directory named "multimedia" and configuring the JMS template to copy the master's one.
I found JCE uploads the images to "images/stories" but "images" is a link to the master's one.
Found "images/stories" directory is defined in the JCE's admin area:
a) Click on Components/JCE Administration
b) Click on the Groups link
c) Click on a group called "Front End"
d) Click on the "Editor Parameters" link
e) Look for something like "Directory Archive path" (I'm translating it from spanish: "Ruta del Directorio del Archivo" )
So, I just changed that value to: multimedia/JCEstories, then, recreated the slaves.
If I go to a slave site, and upload an image, it uploads it to the "master's" multimedia directory, instead of the "slave's" one. Weird.
I mean, instead of uploading to:
it uploads the image to
So, looking for an answer, I found
here is some reference to the images locations.
... and normally, you should let the image and Media folder in
- images
- images/stories
In your case, I have saw that you have specfied another directory for the image and media folder.
In addition, I suspect that you have link on the image and media folder.
The problem is that "images" is created as a link to the master's one, and if I go to the JMS template's "Folders and Files" configuration, Besides the "images" directory I only find " special: Copia especial "(special copy, or something like that)
It's readonly, can't change it.
Have someone else noticed this?
Do someone has any idea on how to fix this?
Thank's in advance.