I recently updated to ver 1.1.19 and while I was at it I figured I should update eXtplorer. I guess I did it in the wrong order...I uninstalled and reinstalled it on the master, then went to do the same on the slaves. But when I try to install on slave I get this:
Code: |
* It was not possible to copy the selected file.
* JInstaller::install: Failed to copy file: /path/to/root/public_html/multisites/Campustown-New/tmp/install_49e230eae5005/ to /path/to/root/public_html/administrator/components/com_extplorer/
* Component Install: Could not copy PHP uninstall file.
* It was not possible to delete the selected file.: 'install.extplorer.php'
* Install Component Error
Is there a work around? Also is there anyway to just update the master with the components and be done?