Same ext configuration req. vs. content/styles 10 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
Hi Edwin,
Happy New Year!
I've been working on importing a second site into my JMS development test site and I have a question:
How would extensions such as JDonation with different forms, donation amounts, response email addresses and messages be configured if JMS requires them to have the "same configuration" settings?
This also applies to extensions such as RS Forms Pro with individual forms and admins; Store Locator, with different map designs and location databases, Qlue Cusom 404 with different tooltip formatting, and other extensions with proprietary content.
I know I can have different databases, but will that let me get around the "same configuration settings" requirement?
Please advise.
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 14
Re: Same ext configuration req. vs. content/styles 10 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 54
The place where the configuration of an extension is stored depend on the extension itself.
In most case under J2.5 (or higher), the settings are saved in the database inside the "#__extensions" table but this may differs for some extension that may use their own MySQL tables to store the setting or in a very rare case, save their settings in file on the disk.
Once you have identified where the extension save its configuration, the second element is to know if you have shared the content of the extension or not.
In general, when JMS propose the sharing of the content of an extension that has its own table, JMS propose to either share all (including the setting/configuration) or share excluding the setting/configuration.
When you share the content of an extension and that, when you change a configuration, it is also changed in the other site then this mean that you have the configuration that is shared.
If you need to have the same configuration, this is only possible when the configuration is written in a table of the extension and that the content of the extension is shared. Otherwise, the configuration is specific for each website.