I figured out how to edit the above paths:
It is in the following file (not a database table): /home/my_account/domains/master.com/subdomains/master/public_html/multisites/config_multisites.php
I guess you overlooked that we'd need to update the path when you re-arranged my directory paths?
The error messages have disappeared and I am able to log in once more. What I don't understand is why didn't these messages show up right away when we were working on it? How come they only showed up 2 or 3 days later?
Strange, but resolved.
I'd also like to know whether the following paths need to updated. Technically they are correct to my default cPanel public_html directory. But after you changed the server paths for JMS, I'm not sure if they need to be updated.
Code: |
!defined( 'MULTISITES_HOME_DIR') and define( 'MULTISITES_HOME_DIR', '/home/master');
!defined( 'MULTISITES_PUBLIC_DIR') and define( 'MULTISITES_PUBLIC_DIR', '/public_html');
I changed these two parameters to be the new path:
Code: |
!defined( 'MULTISITES_GEOIP_LOGFILE') and define( 'MULTISITES_GEOIP_LOGFILE', '/home/my_account/domains/master.com/subdomains/master/public_html/logs/geoloc.php');
!defined( 'MULTISITES_BROWSER_LOGFILE') and define( 'MULTISITES_BROWSER_LOGFILE', '/home/my_account/domains/master.com/subdomains/master/public_html/logs/browser.php');
Please advise asap, whether the above are correct and if there are other config paths I need to modify.