1 ) Concerning your question on the sharing of users, if you have created the Slave site with user sharing and that you later changed your mind to remove sharing by choosing another JMS Template rule or changed a rule rule in the JMS Template, then this will not be reflected in the DB because the view are already created.
To have a copy, you must ensure that the JMS Template rule does not select any sharing for the users and also verify that you didn't requested to share another extension that also require the sharing of the users. Otherwise, the sharing of the users will be regenerated.
If you look in JMS Template rule relative to Hikashop, you will see that it requires to also share the joomla users in addition to the Hikashop tables.
So share Hikashop automatically share the Joomla users.
To share hikashop products between sites, you need to create products and potentially assign this product to several hikashop categories.
When JMS is present, Hikashop gives you the possibility to share the categories based on the JMS site ID.
So that you can create websites that display specific products and not necessary all.
When a product is purchased by a customer, it creates and order for this customer.
Therefore, when sharing the products, you share also the orders that make reference to the customer.
In consequence, you also need to share the customer information and the Joomla user info.
If you want a control the websites on which a Joomla user have access, you can add the "Partial User Sharing" extension to JMS.
In general, we recommend to keep the master website empty of any content.
In your case, I would propose the following architecture
- Master (No Content )
- Users (Generally Confidential - Sometimes with Hikashop here or in the portal)
------ Portal (Products X + Y)
----------- Site 1 ( product X)
----------- Site 2 ( Product Y)
2) Concerning the Yootheme templates and extensions they are using the WARP framework in which they are issue that needs to be fixed.
As the WARP library is included in each Yootheme products, we have to create a specific product to patch the library in each product.