The concept of JMS is based on the sharing.
- Sharing of the same joomla application (php code / files and folder on the disk)
- Sharing of the content of a limited number of extensions (DB content).
See the list of extensions that can have their content shared.
The last column is also applicable for J3.7
1) By default the content of each website is specific as long as you are using a different DB or at least a table prefix.
So, by default the joomla users, components content, modules, .... are specific as stored in the DB.
If you want to share the users, this is also possible and is a decision that must be taken when you create the website.
See tutorial video 16:
If you want to share the users partially to have different ACL permission, this is also possible with the additional "Partial User Sharing" extension that you can add to JMS.
2) JMS is able to recognize domain, subdomain and sub-directories.
So yes, you can have websites with different domains.
It is also possible to share the content of extensions that are located into different DBs. The contraint is to use the same MySQL user for the different DBs to allow sharing the MySQL tables accross DBs.
3) NO.
In fact JMS is able to use a unique directory for all the sites but this is not recommanded to allow some variant like a specific /templates directory per site.
JMS works moreless like apache.
Apache do the relationship between a domain or subdomain with a document root and after execute an application (here php).
In fact JMS starts before Joomla and to make it simple to understand it creates a relationship between domain (or subdomain or sub-directory) with a configuration.php.
4) Yes and no
Yes because JMS is delivered with plenty of default JMS template rule that
are ready to use for basic case.
No because it requires a minimum of knowledge on how a server is working.
In particular apache, MySQL, linux symbolic links, ....
You have plenty of videos in the tutorial that are there to help you
understanding the concept and doing some task.
You also have plenty of document and powerpoint that explains how it works.
You can also buy JMS with 1h support for the training included with the