Here's my scenario.
* Monthly recurring billable sites.
* Mostly Shared DB and Core files, with exception to needing unique:
- Images/Media folders
- Menu Mods Only (all other mods shared from master).
- Articles
- Article Categories
- Users (I do NOT want shared access)
- OSMap Sitemap (utilizing correct slave menu(s))
I'll need a template which has these settings ready to go for replication. In replication, I need FTP images, DB menus, DB menu mods, DB articles, DB article categories, and DB OSMap Sitemap copied from master example. Is what I've laid out feasible with JMS?
How does Joomla core, or rather your system, handle copying articles from the master into the slave dbs in regards to SEF urls? I need my sites to output the same menus names, same sef url names, but with different content in each article per the clients needs.
As for the recurring billing, see you have a VM example, but that's not recurring. Just looking for feedback at this point in time on that issue. Not a make or break deal in purchase.