JMS can be installed an unlimited number of times and also registered an unlimited number of time.
The concept of JMS is based on the sharing:
- Sharing of the same Joomla application (php code)
- Sharing of the content of a limited number of extension (DB content - MySQL tables)
See the list extension currently defined in the JMS tools menu and also the one that can have their content shared depending on the joomla version.
When an extenion is not defined in the JMS Tools menu, you can send us the package in attachement of an email with the request of review for inclusion in JMS and if you want also a review for the sharing, specify it with the Joomla version.
Concerning the "Vikaappontments" extension, it is not currently defined in the JMS tools.
So if you want that we review it, please send us the package in attachement of an email.
When duplication (copy) a website, you have all the MySQL tables and some tables might be shared.
So if you want to create that is a copy of then you will have the content of Vikaappointments present in site2 as it is a copy of Site 1