About front-end creation 10 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
I write in english, as french may be not allowed in this forum.
In a previous post, you talked about specific plugins to allow customers to insert their own logo via front-end. Is it possible to download them?
I'm a Yootheme's customer and I plan to use their templates based on Warp7 as template's choice for my customer. You talked about specific product for that templates provider. Is it possible to have them, or maybe problem is solved as their framework is more stable?
Is it possible to automate customer's subscriptions, with a component or not, to manage reminders?
Thank you.
Last Edit: 2014/08/25 09:11 By glazweb.
Re: About front-end creation 10 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 54
As replied in the other tread, create a plugin can be fast to manage the logo.
This is something that we already did for some customer and therefore, we can get inspired of previous code.
Concerning Yoothemes, you will need to have the "Patches for Yoothemes" plugin to patch the WARP library that is present in each themes.
So you will have to check that the themes is defined in our plugin.
If that was not the case, it is always possible to send us the patckage of the theme for review and definition in our plugin.
Concerning the "reminder", it is possible to perform the renew in JMS.
If you want to renew from an outside system, this is also possible but you will have to build a plugin to inform JMS of the new end date of the slave site.