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Questions before buying this wonderful product
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TOPIC: Questions before buying this wonderful product
Questions before buying this wonderful product 11 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
Dear good day.

I want to create a master site so my clients can create your website by front-and Joomla:

1 - What is the correct version of JMS for this product I am creating

2 - I want to create different price packages, and extension templates.

3 - I want the option to sell personal website and also e-commerce site

4 - When the customer buys the product he runs the site and the front, back or both-and?

5 - When purchasing the product, the customer will expect proof of payment to have the product release

6 - I'm from Brazil, if I hire support for installation and configuration, you hand me my product already translated to Portuguese Brazil

7 - You do install the component in a joomla already installed

8 - Do you have supporting documentation in Portuguese Brazil

9 - What is the procedure for a client who already own your own domain and a customer who wants to buy your own domain using JMS as in my example

10 - I want to charge a monthly fee to use the site, this charge can be made by extension and if the customer fails to pay, the site can be blocked

11 - I own a dedicated server and I can create a VPS isolated for the project, what is your opinion about this procedure

12 - If my client has a logo, this component it can enter the same in hiring the product or will have to enter the same later in the administration

13 - When you buy the component, what kind of license you have right only installation on a domain, or even I can use another domain

14 - Is there any limit to the creation of mini-sitestem

15 - IN case with updating component, you support this application

16 - I like to use the templates Gavick (www.gavick.com), there is some incompatibility with the models from this company

thank you
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Re: Questions before buying this wonderful product 11 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 54
1) Create websites from the front-end require the JMS 1.3 Full edition
2) You can create several JMS template rules corresponding to the different kind of website (or package) that you want to sale
3) Like in (2) this is you that create the website that are used as template to build the website from the front-end. So you can create personal website or ecommerce, ...
4) Yes this is what is illustrated in the tutorial video 14b, 14, 13b, 13
5) Idem (4)
6) I don't understand your question relative to "already translated to portuagese".
If you create a website template in portuguese, the website created from the front-end will be a copy of this one. So it will be in "portuguese".
If you want a translation of JMS in portuguese, there are some language file present in JMS for portuguese but they probably need to be update. The file were provided by customer but I am not sure they are complete.
7) Yes you can install JMS on existing Joomla website.
8) No there is no documentation in Portuguese - Only english is available.
9) I don't understand this question.
If you want to create a website from the front-end using a domain name instead of a subdomain or a subdirectory then you will have to setup your server to declare the domain name. Only the subdomain or subdirectories can be automatically created without any human intervention. In the case of a subdomain, it is require to use the VPS or dedicated server on which you have the "root" login to allow recompiling the apache to allow the automatic subdomain recognition.
10) In JMS, you can create JMS Template rule where you specify the "duration".
When the website expire, you can redirect the users to a specific URL.
11) This is good if you have a dedicated server or VPS with root login.
In particular if you want to have the automatic subdomain recognition.
12) If you want to create website where the customer enter the logo or other specific parameters when creating the website from the front-end, this is possible but require to create a specific JMS layout and specific plugin to manage those cases.
So this require a little specific development. We already did that for customers.
13) As emntioned in our home page, you can install JMS an unlimited number of times and also register it an unlimimted number of time.
So you can install it on a development environment, test environment, live environment, ...
14) The limit is mainly related to your server.
We alredy had case with more than 1,000 websites.
15) I can not reply to this question. This depends on each extensions.
16) The key element with template company is to identify if they are using their own framework to replace / bypass the Joomla framework.
Some companies may have issues that need to be patched.
This is for example the case of "Yoothemes" for which we have created a specific product because the repeat the bug in all the template, modules and component and they does not use a unique library for all the extensions.

What you are describing is something similar to www.mywebsite2win.com where you can see different look of website and that customers can decide to buy.
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Re: Questions before buying this wonderful product 10 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
Et félicitations pour votre composant, qui semble d'une efficacité redoutable.

Je rebondis sur ce post, qui pose les mêmes questions que celles que j'ai.
Vous parlez de plugins spécifiques pour permettre l'ajout de logo par un client qui crée son site en front-end, et de développement spécifique de ce type que vous avez déjà réalisé. Quelle est la durée de ce développement, et son prix ?

Je suis client chez Yootheme et je souhaite utiliser leurs templates basés sur Warp7. Sera-t-il possible de bénéficier du développement spécifique déjà réalisé, ou le problème est-il résolu grâce à l'uniformisation de leur framework comprenant Ulkit ?

Les abonnements des clients sont-ils automatisables, avec un composant comme Payplans ou non, pour gérer automatiquement les relances et rappels à la fin de l'abonnement ?

Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.
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Last Edit: 2014/08/22 17:30 By glazweb.
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Re: Questions before buying this wonderful product 10 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 54
Concernant la réalisation d'un plugin pour traiter des champs spécifiques, cela peut être réalisé en quelques heures seulement. Tout dépend si, durant l'analyse, vous aves des demandes particulières qui ne seraient présente ici.
Nous avons déjà réalisé ce genre de chose et donc, on va pouvoir s'inspirer de code existant que l'on adaptera à votre cas particulier.

Concernant Yoothemes et WARP, il faudra ajouter le plugin pour les patches de WARP.
Il vous faudra aussi verifier que les themes que vous souhaitez utiliser sont définit dans le patch pour la version de joomla souhaitée.
Si pas, vous devrez nous envoyer le theme pour lequel vous souhaitez que l'on ajoute le patch dans notre produit.

Lorsqu'un site web arrive à expiration, il est possible de le renouveller avec JMS.
Si vous voulez traiter des paiements récurent via des notifications externes (ie. payplan) alors il faudra probablement développer un plugin pour effectuer les MAJ de date d'expiration dans JMS sur base d'une notification envoyée par votre système de paiement externe.
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