The concept of JMS is based on the sharing.
Sharing of the Joomla application (php code)
and also possibility to share the content of a limited number of extensions.
See the list of extensions defined in the JMS Tool menu.
So you have to divide the update/upgrade into 2 parts:
- The application (joomla, extension, ...) - the php code
- The content - the database content
1) The application (code) must be in line with the Database structure.
The are different types of updates:
- Real update that is generally idenfied with the last digit of version number and that correspond to a build. In this cass it is frequent that this is a minor update that does not change the DB structure. In this case, you can do the update once on the master. This is generally the case of bug fixes or security fixes.
- The upgrade is generally identified with the second number of a version.
This is the release number that identify a change in the functionality.
In this case, you have to search if the release is in fact an update or an upgrade.
An update mean that the DB structure is not modified and that you can do the update once.
The upgrade mean that you have a modification of the DB Structure or additional tables, ... In this case, you have to repeat the upgrade in all the websites to upgrade the DB structure.
2) Sharing of the DB content is something else.
When you share the content (DB tables) between website, this means that the data is unique and not duplicated.
In case of an upgrade of the extension, it may happen that you have to rebuild the MySQL sharing because MySQL does not reflect automatically the sharing in the website.