YouTheme Warp 6.x (6.3) support 12 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
Dear Sirs,
I am wondering if you plan to offer a patch for Warp 6.x for v1.3, as you did for Warp 5.6 for v1.2?
Is it still a requirement?
If yes, when will it be offered?
A happy MulitSite 1.2 owner
Re: YouTheme Warp 6.x (6.3) support 12 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 54
The Patches for Yoothemes is still required under JMS 1.3.
You seems make reference to Warp6.3 and we didn't recevied any template for the review.
So I can not tell you if there are changes in WARP 6.3 that would require additional patches.
All our additional extensions are compatible with JMS 1.3.
Re:YouTheme Warp 6.x (6.3) support 12 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
I was thinking on buying a Warp 6.3 theme plus JMS 1.3, but your response has discouraged me.
Do you maintain a list of compatible themes with JMS 1.3?
Re:YouTheme Warp 6.x (6.3) support 12 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 54
Sorry but it is not possible to give a list of the templates that are compatibles.
There are so many templates companies and templates, this is not possible.
In the specific case of YooThemes company, the templates that we had reviewed are listed in the plugin that we publish on our website.
If you want that we review a specific template, you can send us this template in the attachement of an email.