About the administrator access for each slave site 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
Hi there,
I did rod the documentation, and searched the forum but I did not succeed to find the answer to one question :
If I use JMS to create slave sites for subdomains like site1.mydomain.com, site2.mydomain.com etc, how will work the connexion to subdomains Joomla's administrator dashboard ?
I understound that with the template configuration I can register one administrator user for each slave, that's it ?
Then when people will hit for exemple site2.mydomain.com/administrator they will be able to open the administrator dashboard if they have the super user login/password for this domain right ?
Then, if there is extensions enabled for site1 slave/sub-domain and not for site2, for exemple a kunena forum, is the administrator dashboard for site2 will display kunena extension management UI or not ?
One other question about the administrator access is that I enjoy to hide the administrator dashboard using the Jsecure plugin.
Will this plugin working with slave/sub-domains sites and will I be able to choose one key phrase by slave/sub-domain or only one phrase for all slaves/sub-domain ?
I think I could to it for each sub-domain while they will have different DB, but I still need confirmation.
Thanks by advance for answers, and sorry if thoses questions are already solved, I did not find the answers.
Best regards.
Re: About the administrator access for each slave site 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 54
By default, each website have their own DB or at least specific tables prefix.
Therefore, the content of each website is specific and the users are specific for each websites.
That mean that the adminstrator of each website just have access to his website.
You need a specific action to share the users between different websites.
In this case, the Joomla users is share between the website.
In other words, as the users are shared, the administrator of a website is also the adminsitrator of the other "shared" websites.
You need the "Partial User Sharing" extension in the case where you would like to have restrict the access to specific users on specific websites.
Under Joomla 2.5 (not 1.5), you can also decide to have different permission depending on the websites. In this case, you can provide a "super admin" right on a website and a basic "registered" permission on another website.
If you want to hide the administrator directory with JSecure, you can do it.
You will have to install JSecure in each website where you want to hide the adminsitrator directory.
Consider that each website will work like a standalone joomla.
So the adminstration of each website is independent.
You need a specific action to build (create) the slave site with a sharing of something (ie. users). Otherwise the content is specific.
You can share the content of extension between different DB.
The concept of JMS is based on the sharing and NOT on the duplication of information that require synchronization. So when we say that the users are shared that mean that they exists only once and that they are not duplicated.