I have the Article Sharing plugin installed, and wish to update the articles on my slave sites from the master site.
When I use the Tools and go to com_content and click "propagate to children" and "overwrite," then hit execute, I get the following error:
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'Multi Sites Articles sharing', 'option=com_multisitescontent', 0, 0, 'option=com_multisitescontent', 'Multi Sites Articles sharing', 'com_multisitescontent', 0, 'components/com_multisitescontent/images/multisitescontent_icon.gif', 0, '', 1 )]. DB Error: Table 'moreinc_slave1.slave1_components' doesn't exist SQL=REPLACE INTO slave1_components VALUES( 0, 'Multi Sites Articles sharing', 'option=com_multisitescontent', 0, 0, 'option=com_multisitescontent', 'Multi Sites Articles sharing', 'com_multisitescontent', 0, 'components/com_multisitescontent/images/multisitescontent_icon.gif', 0, '', 1 )
Could you please help me understand why this isn't working? I see green check marks next to the child databases, but the master db has a red X icon, and the above error message. When I visit the slave sites, the articles have not updated.
My browser's cache has been cleared.
Any insight you can provide is greatly appreciated.