my front end slave site creation is blocked by this error: unable to get website ID. You asked me if I hava bought a quota; but my front end website creation service is free for registered users under a sub-domain; here is your previous reply to another customer:
If you want to slave the website creation from the front-end, in this case, you have to enable the "billable website" functionlaity and buy "website quota".
When the website creation from the front-end is free then there is no additional fees.
If you create website from the back-end for your customer then this is also free.
See also the "bridge for VirtueMart" that is a plugin that allow automate the "billable website" creation and that use VirtueMart to process the ordering of a "billable" website creation until its payment.
So How can I do to activate front end free website creation? How can I remove the error: unable to get website ID? If it is blocked by zero quota, how may I unlock this block?
Best Regards