I am suffering from very strange things.
First of I want you to let you know that I am also using Admin Tools with it .htaccess security
Second point is that when I restored .htaccess file of slave website (from backup taken about 5 days ago), which was not containing changes by admin tools to htaccess, slave website got started again working file
Now I am having three problems:
1. I cannot edit settings of already created slave websites. Whenever I click on "Save" button from editing websites, 500 error start coming on that slave website. And it goes when I overwrite htaccess from backup to slave folder, it starts working fine.
2. I cannot create a new slave website from Master website, 500 error comes. But when edit settings such that: Ignore .htaccess (Rather that doing Rewrite according to new domain) and I also ignored ".htaccess.admintools". It creates website but now again a two new problem:
(i) I cannot login to my backend, it redirects to Master website Admin backend login page. Even I tried to put a normal .htaccess
(ii) I cannot uninstall Admin Tools, Admin Exile or anything from "Tools" Menu of JMS. It says it has executed uninstall but actually no changes it actually made. We can see admin tools and admin exile again in that slave website.
3. I cannot update to latest patch. I even tried to click on uninstalling and again installing.
Joomla Multi Sites version: 1.2.59 (Latest available: 1.2.58)
Patches definition version: 1.2.64 (Latest available: 1.2.63)
I have read most of your forum threads but got no solution. Please help me. If you want I can also PM my master website login details.