I activated sef then all pages returns error 404 13 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
Hello Edwin,
As soon as I activated sef then all pages becomes inaccessible, i.e. all pages with the exception main page returns 404 error. They told me is not Mighty Resources component problem, that It looks like this is problem of the component which combine several project together (JMS). Even joomla core articles pages returns 404 errors when sef is activated.
I saw in an older posts that somebody encountered a similar problem but I don't know if it has been solved.
Please let me know what could I do as SEF is critical.
Thanks for your time
Re: I activated sef then all pages returns error 404 13 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 54
Can you give more information on the environment.
Which joomla version ? (I suppose 1.5 as you mentioned Mighty)
Do you use native Joomla SEF or other extensions ?
Which version of JMS Multisites ?
For your info, this website is a slave site under Joomla 1.5 and has SEF enabled.
Re: I activated sef then all pages returns error 404 13 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
Joomla 1.5
Joomla SEF (I used ACESEF some time ago without any problem but I uninstalled it)
Multisites for Joomla! 1.5.x
Version 1.2.41 (Latest available: 1.2.52)
Patches definition Version 1.2.47 (Latest available: 1.2.57)
Just one more detail:
2 months ago I bought some of your billable support for clonning some sites. Before that I am sure that I activated SEF succesfully.
Re: I activated sef then all pages returns error 404 13 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
Hello Edwin,
There is something I can do to solve this SEF issue? It is very critical as I really need to activate SEF.
404 - Component not found is the message I receive.
I wait for your comments. Thanks for your support.
Re: I activated sef then all pages returns error 404 13 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
I think I have the problem:
I uninstalled ACESEF some time ago in slave site and I still have acesefmetacontent plugin (this plugin is not installed anymore in master site) wich I think is causing the issue.
I tried to uninstall “System - AceSEF Metadata (Content)” and cannot do that because of error “Plugin Uninstall: Manifest File invalid or not found”.
How could I uninstall it?
Thanks for your support
Re: I activated sef then all pages returns error 404 13 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 54
Based on your description and if I understand correctly, it seems that you have AceSEF that is defined in slave site but is no more present in the master website.
If you want to uninstall the AceSEF in the slave site, you can try using the JMS Tool menu and unininstall the AceSEF.
If it fails, you perhaps have to re-install the AceSEF in the master before retrying remove the AceSEF in the ALL the slave sites and finally remove AceSEF in the master.