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TOPIC: SEF or a bug?
SEF or a bug? 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
We are at the stage of creating billable slave websites.

I followed entire video 13 step by step.

Template was created perfectly , slave website also without any problems

I have question

1) fe_admin is pulled from master database or portal database?

Secondly and more importantly

we developed


however when going to

www.canadareic.com/multisites/u62test01 getting 403 error

I disabled joomla basic SEF plugin ( we do not use other sef plugins)

no luck

I disabled and enabled

Search Engine Friendly URLs No Yes
Use Apache mod_rewrite No Yes
Add suffix to URLs No Yes

is there anything else I should look for?
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Re: SEF or a bug? 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 54
1) fe_admin is the user that you create in the slave site that you are using as template to create the new slave site.
This is the one present in the "template site" that you selected.

If you had followed the tutorial video, this fe_admin use does not exists in your master but was created in the tpl_master01 that is a slave site.

2) You have the long path with plenty of subdirectories when you enable the "letter tree" functionality in the "multisites.cfg.php" file.
The video 13 assume that the "letter tree" is not enabled. (This is the default value).
So if you want to apply the tutorial video 13 in the same condition, you effectivelly need to disable the "letter tree".
Another method when you let the "letter tree" enabled, is not to use the site_prefix to compute the domain name but use the "site_alias" that can be different.
This is normaly that www.canadareic.com/multisites/u62test01 does not exists as it is saved as a "letter tree".
The "letter tree" is designed to accept a large number of slave site and speedup the operating system.

So you potentially need to disable the /administrator/components/com_multisites/multisites.cfg.php "letter tree".
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Re: SEF or a bug? 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0

Thank you for your answer.

1) fe_admin with administrator created on template website can not be shown ( we have over 1100 members and in dropdown menu we can see maybe only 100

2) As you remember we setup and created "letter tree" functionality and I would like to keep this way

I will attach 2 screen shots

I see no images are accepted here

so please see



and tell me what can be wrong?

thank you
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Last Edit: 2011/01/27 00:03 By canadareic.Reason: images not accepted
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Re:SEF or a bug? 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0

To follow up If I disable and setup

define( 'MULTISITES_LETTER_TREE', false);

I can create slave websites based on site_alias

I can access created slave.

Unfortunately in the master all websites created with Letter_tree disappear.

I would like then keep letter_tree keep enabled. If we have to create another template that's perfectly fine
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Re:SEF or a bug? 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 54
The list of domain present in your screen shot 1 is strange.
You just put {site_alias} and not perhaps something using the {site_alias}
In additino, the "to site ID" also use the {site_alias}

I don't know what you expect that your customer enter in the {site_alias} parameter.
If you expect to enter a domain name, the "to site ID" and the "new DB prefix" might have problem because you will have dot (.) present in the {site_alias}.

I also noticed an inconsistency between the domain present in the list of domain using u{user_id} and the "deploy folder" that give another location {site_dir}. It should probably be {root}/multisites/u{user_id}

In addition, I notice that the "Alias link" is empty. Perhaps you may want a synonym based on the {site_alias}

As there is no specification of the expected result and requirement, I can not tell you what you should put in your setting.
All I can see is that you enter values randomly because none are consistent between each other. The URL present in the domain and the location on the disk specified in the deployed directory must match together.
Also avoid using terms in the new DB prefix that could have any character like this is the case with the {site_alias} field used in the computation of the field.
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