Changing Site Status 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
Changing site status to anything other then Confirmed has no effect on the site. It does not take the site off line. I wonder if a bug was introduced with this.
"# Always check the validity expiration to be able redirect the user to the expired URL when it is present;"
Senior Boarder
Posts: 77
Re: Changing Site Status 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 54
The fact that you put a website in status other than "confirmed" means that JMS Multisites does not perform any process for this slave site and select the appropriate "configuration.php" file to get the database connection.
When you deploy a slave site into a specific directory, this create plenty of symbolic links that has for objective to create a duplicated joomla architecture that point on the master physical directories.
So when the HTTP Server is defined with this specific directory, that mean that JMS Multisites is not really called to process the slave site as everything is already defined like joomla do it with a standalone installation. In fact when you say "cancelled" or anything different of "confirmed", the JMS Multisites result is do nothing. So as you are already on a directory with everythiing files present, it continues execute the current files present in this "slave" root document directory. Only the expiration URL should be applicable when the website is "confirmed" and it is expired.
Re: Changing Site Status 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
So what you are saying is the way I am setup the only thing I can do is set the expired date?
I can't set the site status anymore? this is expected behavior?
Senior Boarder
Posts: 77
Re: Changing Site Status 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0
Hi Edwin
I have run across another issue I hope you can help me out with.
I need to set the DoccumentRoot properly to make all aspects of the site work. The problem is with the DocRoot set it bypasses the expired date because it is no longer using the main config_multisites.conf to look for the location of the site.
In someway the site redirection would need to happen at the site, not in the main configuration. I did notice that you show the expire setting in the {site_id}/config_multisites.conf but it has no effect on the site when the expire date is set.
Senior Boarder
Posts: 77
Re: Changing Site Status 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 54
Which version of JMS Multisites are you using ?
Such problem were fixed in version 1.2.35.
This is not the individual {site_id} configuration that is the trigger for the expiration.
This is just a saved information to be able rebuild the master index where is stored a duplicate info to speed up the processing.
Re: Changing Site Status 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0
Hi Edwin
The {site_id}/config_multisites.conf was ment that it was the site config, not the master config.
This only happens when I have my DoccumentRoot set to the site dir. I am using the latest version of JMS.
Senior Boarder
Posts: 77