Module- propagate->children not overriding 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
I have just executed a task to propagate the RSform module from my master (template) site to my children site, with Override = Yes.
Although it shows as successful, it actually creates NEW modules in the children sites, and they are not assigned to any menu items. So to activate them I would have to visit each child site and edit the new module and the old module.
What I really wanted it to do was copy the module (no. 74) over the top of the module no. 74 in each slave site.
Can this be achieved please? If so, how?
thank you
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 6
Re:Module- propagate->children not overriding 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
I have also tried to propagate the RSForms component table contents to the child sites and whilst it says it has been successful, no forms are actually overwritten.
Please advise.
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 6
Re:Module- propagate->children not overriding 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 54
When using the "overwrite", JMS take all the records from the "source tables" and insert/replace them into the "new DB".
It does not touch to the menu or whatever.
It is applied to the tables of the extension.
So it may be normal that you have to create or update menu entry to use the new RSforms
Re:Module- propagate->children not overriding 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
No - not menu entries, just the menu assignment in the moldule.
So if it copied module no. 74, why did it create a new module 79 instead of overwriting module 74?
And the menu assignment in the module is just a table entry too, so it could have over-written that?
Please help me understand how to:
(a) Copy module 74 to overwrite existing module 74 in slave site?
(b) copy rsforms table to overwrite slave rsforms table?
Much appreciated.
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 6
Re:Module- propagate->children not overriding 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 54
Concerning the "module" table this is always an insert as you install a new module.
The only tables that are overwritten are the one containing the "content", the "data".
In your case the "rsforms" tables.
Re:Module- propagate->children not overriding 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
So two more Qs please:
1. If I create new articles in my master site, how can I propagate them to the existing slave sites?
2. If I create new menu entries in my master site, how can I propagate them to the existing slave sites?
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 6