Re:Unable to create target folder :( 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0
i think i narrowed down the problem, when i try to create a new slave site, in a folder different than the master directory, it gives me the "unable to create target folder" error...
but when i go to the folder via FTP, i can see the sym links there, and it creates a folder in <master>/multisites/...
but i think there are some files missing in the slave site...
please help!
Last Edit: 2010/04/01 00:45 By ztingenieros.
Re:Unable to create target folder :( 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 54
You have video that show the expected results.
In the /multisites directory, you must have as many directories than you have slave sites.
In the "deploy folder', you can have the configuration.php file and all the directories that you have setup in the "JMS Templates / folder tab".
Re:Unable to create target folder :( 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0
I have exactly the same problem, ztingenieros have you find the solution.
I made a test with Hello.php, it works perfectly and create master link in the deploy directory.
If I use JMS, I have an error, Unable to create target folder, when I go check symlink seems to have worked with directories (all directory appear but no cache, installation, tmp and templates) But there are no symlink to file and configuration.php was not copied
I have noted an error: all the symlink as www-data as group and user, usually for in virtualmin is user:user .
It seems that many people have a similar problem it will be good to find a solution.
For info, I use virtualmin.
Re:Unable to create target folder :( 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 54
Symbolic Link and "unable to create folder" are two different things.
you mention "www-data" as owner.
Which administration tool are you using ?
Do you have the open_basedir setup and if yes, do you try to deploy something outside the list of directories present in the "open_basedir" ?
Re:Unable to create target folder :( 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0
hello Edwin... I'm still trying to debug this thing....
what function are you using to copy files??
i don't know where the problem might be..
i using "open_basedir = none" in my server..
thanks in advance...
Re:Unable to create target folder :( 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 54
Jms can create Symbolic Links or physical copy.
To control that, you need to create a Jms templates rule and use the "files and folders" tab.
This is the place where you define if you want to create a physical copy, ignore a directory or file, create a symbolic link, ....
So all depends the rule that you have used.
By default JMS create Symbolic Link for most of the directories and some directories like "images" and "templates" can have "special copy" or "copy".