Unable to create target folder :( 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
Hello Edwin!
I'm having this issue when trying to create a fresh slave site, in a directory different than the master.
I have tried the hello.php way to check if sym links are allowed, and it works perfectly, but when i try to create a slave site, it always says: "unable to create target folder", i think it does't need to create any folders... just sym links, am i right?
i'm using FTP layer in my site, and the FTP user can access the slave dir...
thanks in advance...
Re: Unable to create target folder :( 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 54
The FTP layer is not able to create symbolic link.
If you can not create links outside your current master directory, this may be related to the "open_basedir" that is setup to avoid access external directories.
Check also the permission and owner of the directories.
Re: Unable to create target folder :( 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
the thing is, that the hello script, can create de sym links, it works perfectly, but multisites can't...
Re:Unable to create target folder :( 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
the open_basedir taken from phpinfo()
open_basedir no value no value
Re:Unable to create target folder :( 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 54
The hello world use the current directory and perhaps the directory that you want link is not allowed.
So you have to check the permission.
If the JMS Settings, tell you that the Symbolic Link is allowed, it does the same as "hello world" and more.
Have you tried to use the Symbolic Link into the same directory than your master like presented in tutorial video 9 and CP-04
Re:Unable to create target folder :( 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
in the master directory, works fine...
but i was referring to the "master_link" function of the hello script, it creates a symlink in the slave directory, and apache folllows it correctly, the problem is when i try to do this vía JMS.
The slave site creation on JMS creates only SymLinks? or it copies files or something like that?
thanks for your help