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Symbolic Links and master-site's directory
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TOPIC: Symbolic Links and master-site's directory
Symbolic Links and master-site's directory 15 Years ago Karma: 0
Hello, Edwin.

I have a problem concerning symbolic links. My server has symbolic links allowed. Settings confirm that: "Unix Symbolic Links: Allowed".

Now: MASTER - is master site's domain, SLAVE - is the slave's domain and, SLAVE-DIR-NAME - is the slave's directory name.

My Joomla is 1.5.15 and I've installed it with no problems, also the JMS installed all ok. The problems started when I tried to create my first slave-site, using Manage sites -> New
Status (*): Confirmed
Owner: admin
List of domain names (*): SLAVE

Master site directory:
Template Deployed directory:
Deployed directory: /multisites/SLAVE-DIR-NAME

I have installed hello.php on my master site, so that "MASTER/hello.php" outputs that the current directory is "/". My slave site "SLAVE/" is mapped correctly (I've checked it) to the directory "MASTER/multisites/SLAVE-DIR-NAME".

when I've created a "master_link" in "/multisites/SLAVE-ALIAS" using hello.php, it outputs:
"The creation of the 'master_link' directory is successfull
You have now a link [/multisites/SLAVE-DIR-NAME/master_link] -> [/]"

and the link works properly, but (!!!) it links to the absolute "/" of my server, and since the MASTER/ points to the subdirectory, not the absolute "/", I have a problem.

I don't know how to change it so the hello.php will detect that it is not in the absolute "/" dir but in "/MASTER-DIR-NAME/".

Because of that directory problem (I think that it's the reason, but I'm not sure) my slave-site was created, but with some error:
"JFolder::folder: Path is not a folder
JFolder::files: Path is not a folder"
probably because of the bad behaviour of symbolic link...

Is installing master-site in the absolute-root the only solution? I hope not, it would be my last resort I'd be really grateful if you could help me.
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Re: Symbolic Links and master-site's directory 15 Years ago Karma: 54
The problem of path does not come from internal parameter in the application.
The hello world works from the local directory and therefore this can not come from there.

If when you install the "hello world" in the subdirectory '/master" you have a results with "/" this come from somewhere else and as "hello world" is small, I suggest that you debug it to understand what is specific on your server.

I suspect a configuration error in your server that would provide the wrong "document root" or something else.

Try make the "hello world" working properly before trying doing the same in joomla.

If you want that we debug it on your sever, we also have billable support that you can order at www.jms2win.com/download?page=shop.produ...35&category_id=1
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Last Edit: 2010/02/18 00:45 By edwin2win.
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