JMS System Crash 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
My JMS system crashed down when I applied the lastest patch (1.2.25)
Pls see the screen captured below:
Error Message: " Error during installation of the file "administrator/components/com_acymailing/helpers/update.php"
Information: "One or more backup file is missing. The original file(s) can not be restored"
After applying it many JMS patches become "not OK", and then all slave sites crash.
Fortunately, I have the last night backup. The whole system is restored.
I then re-apply again the patch and the system did crash again.
I suspected that the root cause was because I had mistakenly updated the system from JMS1.2.18 to JMS1.1.24, after I discovered that I upgrade it again from JMS1.1.24 to JMS1.2.19...
If it is the root cause. may you suggest a safe way to backup my JMS settings, uninstall the JMS and then reinstall it to V.1.2.19.
Or is there any other suggestion?
Many thanks.
Last Edit: 2010/01/27 05:27 By KingoftheRoad.Reason: cannot upload image
Re: JMS System Crash 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 54
Frankly, I don't know the reason as you say that you have re-installed a JMS 1.1.x over a JMS 1.2.x and after re-install a JMS 1.2.x over a JMS 1.1.x.
Normally the JMS slave sites definition are saved on the disk in the "/multisites" directory but I can not ensure you that JMS 1.1.x installed over a JMS 1.2.x is compatible because the internal JMS format was modified.
The compatibility is only implement for the case install JMS 1.2.x over JMS 1.1.x and not in the reverse order. We have implement an upgrade compatibility and NOT an downgrade compatibility.
Would you please send me in attachement of an email the acy_mailing extension that you are using to let me re-check with the same version than yours.
Re: JMS System Crash 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
acymailing extension is sent.
I have manually inspected the "/multisites" directory, it should be intact.
Should I backed up this Directory, remove the JMS and then re-installed the JMS? What other files and folders I need to backup and recover.
Many thanks.
Re: JMS System Crash 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 54
The Multisites slave sites definitions are only present in the "/multisites" directory.
After that, you may have to backup the "deploy folder" to save the "configuration.php" files of each slave sites.
Re: JMS System Crash 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
It is to confirm that it is the acymailing patch that crashs the JMS system. Once I uninstalled the acymailing component, JMS works again.
Pls re-examine the acymailing patch.
Many thanks.
Re:JMS System Crash 14 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
Any news about AcyMailing compatibility?
Cheers, Frits