First propose a service to create a slave site from the front-end based on a JMS template that define "user sharing" is not recommended as this reset the password of the user selected.
Second to create the slave site from the front-end you can start folllow the tutorial video 13.
Apply exactly the same value and keyword to help you understand how it works.
Third if you want to have specific DB for each slave site, you need to be able create such DB dynamically. In general, only a MySQL root login has the permission to do that.
So put the MySQL root login in the "multisites.cfg.php" file.
The DB that you want to replicate perhaps does not contain the MySQL root login and password that would allow using it to create additional DB.
See User Manual page 14 concerning the "multisites.cfg.php" configuration file.
Check with your MySQL DB administrator the MySQL user permissions.
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