template folder special copy/copy 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
Hi Edwin,
at multisites->templates->[my templates]->file and folders->template folders,
1) if I choose "special: special copy", JMS will create a link directly to master site's template folder, rather than creating a template folder and then create links to all different templates under the master template folder. This behaviour is quite different from JMS v 1.X. I try uninstall a template at that slave site. That "template" is then uninstalled at BOTH the slave site and the master site. Is it a bug?
2) If I choose "copy" and enter a specific folder, It copies all subfolders of that folder, but fails to copy all those symbolic links. Is it a normal behviour?
Re:template folder special copy/copy 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 54
1) The behavior in JMS 1.1.x and JMS 1.2.x with special copy is identical and corresopnd to what is described in the user manual.
In the pass, it was not possible in one step to create an exact copy. You had to create the templates with special (not modiable) and after you had to un-install the template and re-install it.
To create a templates folder with inside the symbolic link, you have to specify the "template folder" field in the "common" panel as you did in the pass.
we have introduced the notion of Copy and Unzip in the JMS templates that now also allow to copy or unzip something.
2) Concerning the templates defined as symbolic link, a quick review in the standard Joomla folder copy seems tp confirm that only the physical files and folders are copies (and not the content of the links).
I will try to reproduce this case and perhaps enhance this template copy action to also create a copy of the content of the symbolic links.
Last Edit: 2009/10/13 18:50 By edwin2win.
Re:template folder special copy/copy 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
Hi Edwin,
Pls double check 1). In 1.1x, when I uninstall a template in a slave site, this templates won't be uninstalled in the master site, But in 1.2x, if I choose special: special copy, after uninstallation in the slave site, the template also disappeared in the Master...
Is is a normal behaviour?
Re:template folder special copy/copy 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 54
You speak about un-install but you don't tell me the result of the "special copy".
All depends what you have specified in the "template folder" and if you have as result a templates directory or a link to the templates directory.
That does not make sense to try diagnosis the un-install until it is not clear how you have defined the template.
If you un-install a link this will just delete the link.
If you un-install a physical directory, this will delete the directory.
You don't say also which version of Joomla you are using. In a old version of joomla, the standard joomla followed the links to delete their content.
Does the all the patches are installed ?
When you replicate a template, depending on the parameters you can get:
1) Copy of the templates directory with its sub-directories
2) or A link to the templates directory
3) or a directory called "templates" in which you have symbolic link to the original templates sub-directories
Last Edit: 2009/10/13 19:33 By edwin2win.
Re:template folder special copy/copy 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
Sorry that I did not provide detailed information.
1. special: special copy is chosen for the "templates folder"
2. JMS 1.2.12
3. Joomla 1.5.14
4. templates directory entered at common tab: {deploy_dir}/templates.
5. result: slave site's template folder is a symbolic link to the master site's templates folder.
6. If I uninstall a particular template at the slave site, the corresponding template is also uninstalled at the master site.
Is these information enough?
Many thanks.
Re:template folder special copy/copy 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 54
If you have specifed a value in the "template folder" field like you say in point 4, then the expected result in step 5 is a real "templates" directory.
If you hafve a link this is because you have not provided the fields or there is another reason that I don't know.
So you have to check point 4 and point 5.